\"\/case\/3\" Rental homes are a lot of work, but they can be profitable when you go about the endeavor the right way. A rental produces a steady income each month, but it can be difficult when a tenant leaves and the property is vacant. When that happens, you still have to pay the expenses related to that house. Houses also age. The older the get and the longer you rent it out, the more frequently things are going to go wrong and that means you have to do more work on the house to keep tenants happy.
If you reach that point where you no longer want to manage a rental home either because no one is renting it, it is having problems, or you simply want to retire from the rental business, turning to a home investor who will buy the house fast may be the solution you are looking for. It can be difficult to put a rental on the market if that rental has damage caused by tenants. Most potential buyers will demand repairs before they will buy the home and there can be a lot of money tied up in this alone. We can save you from that.

We Buy Rental Houses As Is

painlessly When you work with Taschner Investments, you don’t have to worry about making those repairs or doing anything to the house. If the walls are dirty or have holes in them because your last tenant had small children that play hard like children do, you don’t have to worry about scrubbing or repainting the walls. Instead, you call us, we come and look at the house, and we make you an offer. We can have the deal closed in as little as one week, but no more than two weeks.

We Will Save You Thousands Of Dollars

We have also saved homeowners throughout the Twin Cities thousands of dollars. When not listing on the open market, you don’t have to pay realtor fees. You also don’t have to do the repairs that the traditional potential buyer would demand. Sometimes banks require certain repairs to be made before they will loan on a home because they don’t want to loan on a liability. You also don’t have to worry about the time and money it costs to clean the home before selling.
Factor in the fact that we pay all, if not most, of the closing costs, and you are looking at thousands in savings. Not only that, but you save a lot of time. When you save time, you are able to focus on other important areas of your life.

We Buy Unwanted Rental Houses

Renting out a house can be lucrative, but it can also be a burden. If you no longer want to deal with rental property and you just want to sell and sell fast, Taschner Investments can help you. We close a deal fast and we pay cash so you can move past that rental property and on to the things you want to do. To learn more about how we can help you, call us at 651-347-1657 to request a free consultation.